شما فهمیدید چرا ماجرای زندان کهریزک و قتل ندا آقاسلطان پس از گذشت یکسال، هنوز هم کش دارد و از زبان رسانه های بیگانه و حتی رسانه های داخلی نمیافتد، اما جنایت آشکار اسرائیل در واقعه کشتی صلح که تنها وجه اشتراک تمام سرنشینان آن صرفاً "انسانیت" بود و افراد مختلفی اعم از کشیش مسیحی و مسلمان و ترک و عرب و ... در آن حضور داشتند، این قدر زود به فراموشی سپرده شد؟!
چرا حکم احتمالی قاتلی بدکاره برای "پاپ بندیکت شانزدهم"، مهمتر از شهدای کشتی صلح است؟
مگر همین الان این مجازات در عربستان و امارات و نیجریه و سودان و ... اجرا نمی شود؟ پس چرا "کوشنر" دلش تنها به حال سنگسارشوندههای ایرانی میسوزد؟!
In your opinion, why after a year of events after the election last year that killed 35 (in 6 months) was followed by Western media still routinely followed it to the Israeli crimes in the incident revealed "ship Peace "event in which at least 20 people a day were killed by the Israelis quickly forgotten by Western media and Western media about this silent chose?
Why adulterous killer sentence in Iran for Pope Benedict XVI, most importantly, "Martyrs of peace ship" is.
But right now, this punishment (stoning) in Saudi Arabia and the UAE, Nigeria and Sudan ... Does not run? then why "Bernard Kouchner" The only pity for criminals to Iran? We should note that "fornication" and "murder" in the Iranian population and very bad things are considered unforgivable.
The question now is not until a few weeks ago that the French police with the French immigrants were illegal and atrocious behavior of a few years ago but was not in southern France two young Muslim men with bullets, police were killed in this country